
Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect: The story continues…

once upon a time i developed a bad pseudo afrikaans accent and an idea for a show that would warn people about the inherent dangers lurking behind innocent-seeming things [like paper, ice-cream and screaming "Lego" when someone who is dangling you over a cliff asks what you will give them if they pull you up to safety] and a few people started really enjoying these videos and some people even started sharing them with their [...]

By |2012-04-01T10:57:37+02:00April 1st, 2012|activities, and other animals., humour'ish|2 Comments

Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect part 6

so by now you may have watched one of my Dangerous Things You Can Least Expect videos or perhaps you have even watched all of them from the first one which was warning us about the dangers of paper to the one i recorded today on the many potential calamaties associated with wool - or if you have not caught any of them the whole collection can be found here... i appreciate all the facebook [...]

By |2012-03-03T12:32:26+02:00March 3rd, 2012|activities, and other animals., humour'ish|0 Comments

unseen Brett Andy IX to vote for…

So today i was on a semi long-distance trip and penned a couple of new brett andy’s – usually i try them out on facebook/twitter first before i see what people really like, but these have never been viewed before and so i would really appreciate it if you would take a minute to mention if any of them make you smile or laugh or silently chortle... “As I finished sewing up the incision, there [...]

By |2011-08-08T23:52:28+02:00August 8th, 2011|Uncategorized|9 Comments

noooooo-body expects the royal wedding inquisition…

so yesterday was one of those fun days when i posted what i thort was a random thort on some global happening and turns out it wasn't... not that i am new to this or very much surprised - from not joining the save the orangutang group on facebook which eventually [after much patient messaging and reasoning and trying to be nice] scored Justine from Australia the prize of being the first person i had [...]

april 8 brett andy quotes to be voted upon…

so one of my favourite funny people in life is a guy called Jack Handey who used to write one liners that were used on SNL such as: "Whenever you read a good book, it's like the author is right there, in the room, talking to you, which is why I don't like to read good books." [Jack Handey] and: "Laurie got offended that I used the word "puke." But to me, that's what her [...]

By |2011-04-08T12:15:10+02:00April 8th, 2011|humour'ish|11 Comments

he's not heavy, he's my [klein] brother…

i have a cool friend called kleinfrans [he's not] who is a really rad man, and he has a brain and thinkx about things and i think has some good stuff to say [and him and his rad wife michelle took us to play mashie golf, twice!] and so i wanted to stick up some links to the last three cool things he blogged about: http://ishouldwritemore.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/is-hell-real http://ishouldwritemore.wordpress.com/2011/03/02/zuckerberg-zombies http://ishouldwritemore.wordpress.com/2011/03/01/the-book-you-believe-in enjoy, comment, engage...

By |2011-03-09T11:26:59+02:00March 9th, 2011|thorts of other people|0 Comments

How to Love your Woman Better part arguing well. Part I (of III)

This one goes out to those of you who have girlfriends or wives (and if you’ve been paying attention and using your brains all along this series you will realise that most of what i say would fit into a ‘how to love your man better’ series or be applied to family and friends and work colleagues to differing extents so i hope no-one has been put off by the titles – i am specifically [...]

By |2018-12-14T12:34:03+02:00January 7th, 2011|change the world, love and chocolate, relationships|8 Comments

what would Jesus play? [and other reflections on Arisefest 2010]

sometimes i like to picture Jesus in a modern day setting and wonder how His life and ministry would have looked if it was 2011 when God decided to come to earth in human form to settle the original score instead of 2000ish years ago would He have watched movies or played computer games? Would He have had His own Facebook page or blog? Would Jesus own a cellphone (my thorts are He probably wouldn’t [...]

quality dilbert

i went thru a phase of really enjoying dilbert comics and bought a whole bunch of the annuals and watched the super-secret-flippinly-weird-but-fun short-lived dilbert animated series (thankx simon van wyk) and i really dig it because that's what got me hooked on Pearls Before Swine cartoons by stephan pastis which are really amazing and which arrive in my inbox on a daily basis and so i have not read dilbert for a long time but [...]

By |2010-12-21T10:56:44+02:00December 21st, 2010|humour'ish|0 Comments

'raped' as a fun catch phrase, tweeting tragedy instead of assisting…

what next? leaving the old people outside for the coyotes to finish them off...? sounds far fetched maybe, but i have just been thoroughly revolted by what i have just read [and i know in this day and age we can get mildly upset and tut tutty and each-to-their-own-device but maybe it's time for people to stand up and SHOUT WILDLY AGAINST THIS KIND OF FILTH...] and we need to draw a line... it started [...]

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