joel osteen

Oscar Pistorius, Mark Driscoll and i walk into a bar.

  There have been two stories dominating my Facebook feed the last day or so [i'm not even going to touch on the Renee Zellwegger face thing - we created that circus!] and they are both ones i have tried to keep largely clear of. Until now. OSCAR GOES TO... The Oscar Pistorius sentencing saga [because if the Twitterer is to be believed, it WAS that] which has been lurking on news headlines stuck to lampposts, [...]

Recap: Most read posts from the last quarter.

so according to wordpress stats, these are the 5 most visited posts of mine this last quarter which means people must have liked them [or really hated them i guess, altho i don't think i've had one of those for a while - must be doing something wrong] so i thought i'd display them here in case you missed one or more of them: First up there was Kate Hurley sharing on Singleness which always [...]

Throwing stones at Joel Osteen after checking it’s okay with Uncle Google.

i have called Google 'Uncle Google' for a long time now - i'm not sure why i do that cos it's very silly but it's become my thing [which is probly why i do that]. i guess one reason is that when someone asks me something i don't know i will either tell them to ask Uncle Google or i say that i will and it feels like bringing another person into the conversation. i [...]

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