
Taboo Topics: Singleness – Meet Cilnette Pienaar

I think it was during one of my road-trips through the country in 2012, somewhere in a backpackers close to Kimberley (of all places), where this verse became one of my favorite passages in the Bible: Song of Songs 7: 11 & 12 – “Come, my beloved, let us go forth to the field, let us lodge in the villages. Let us get up early to the vineyards, let us see if the vine has budded, whether the [...]

What my Single Friends would like their Married Friends to know: Meet Chantelle Finaughty

There’s always a fine line between helping/supporting your single friends, and trying to ‘fix’ your single friends. Too often, what is well meant on the part of the marrieds, is sometimes interpreted as them trying to fix their single friends as if they’re broken or unfulfilled. This is not to say that single people don’t need or want any help from you, because we very much need your support. Being single does not make me [...]

What my Single Friends would like their Married Friends to know: Intro

i was 35 when i got married and so i still feel like i have some kind of grasp and authority when it comes to speaking for/with the single community and definitely have a huge heart for them, especially those who are a little older and wanting to be married [as not all of them are - marriage is definitely not the end point finishing line of you-have-made-it'ness although it has too often been presented [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness – meet Alexa O S Russell aka ‘Is there space for Bridget Jones at church?’

Lex: Being single in a world and a community where relationships are celebrated and held up in high regard can be incredibly difficult…particularly when your single status is not a conscious choice, but rather a default at this point in life! People chuckle (and relate!) when you refer to your self as having a Bridget Jones kind of moment – the moment where you want to eat yourself silly on chocolate, or drink too much [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness – meet Kate Hurley [aka The Sexy Celibate]

My friend Jess is a beautiful, single blonde girl who has been a missionary in Italy for 10 years and is the same age as me. One day, an Italian woman, let’s call her Mamma Carmen, came up to her with a little charm necklace that had a picture of a saint on it.“What’s this?” asked Jess. (Cue in accent of Italian mama who doesn’t speak much English) “A necklace for you. A picture of [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness – meet Dale Nunes

MY JOURNEY TO SINGLENESS Some of you might already be trying to work out what my title really means; but it is as it says it is, my journey to singleness. I have a reached a point in my life where I am pretty happy about being single. This has not been an overnight destination and I must admit that there are times that I wish I could be married, but for most of the [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness – meet Sueihn Lee

[Sueihn was our housemate at the Simple Way - she has been an absolute pleasure to live with and it has been incredible to watch her connect with people and especially children on the block as well as with churches and organisations in the area - i tag teamed with her on Mondays to share lemonade with the people in the food lines as well as talk to and pray with them - i am [...]

Taboo Topics: Contents Page

Taboo Topics is a series dedicated to sharing stories from real live people [mostly who i know] on real life issues, situations or experiences that are seldom spoken about for various reasons. So far the topics that have been addressed [with links to all the stories] are the following: Abortion Addiction Adoption Cancer Dealing with the Grief of losing Someone you Love Eating Disorders Fostering a Child Infertility Living with Disabilities/Special Needs Losing a Baby [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness – meet Sammi Taylor

So I’ve been putting off writing this for a while ever since Brett asked a few weeks…ok maybe months ago now. For many reasons I didn’t feel ready to write this and to be honest it’s still something I don’t feel quite equipped to write. Not because I know nothing about singleness…ha! But because the emotions and stages and experience changes daily and is sometimes hard to pin down and describe. I have been single [...]

Taboo Topics: Singleness [Intro]

SINGLENESS is a topic that usually does not get addressed well, if at all. There was a time when particularly within the catholic church the focus was on singleness as the way to have reached it - nuns and monks and the gift of celibacy were the way to go and being single meant you were seen as more spiritual and closer to God and there were bible passages that could be used to 'back [...]

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