things to wrestle with

What do we do with the Angry Activist?

This is a not a post about anger. It is not a post about tone policing. This is not even a post about who can say what to who [nope, not saying whom there, it's 2019, come on!] Although it may contain some of those things. Rather, it is a post about me, Brett "Fish" Anderson, trying to figure out how we are most likely to arrive at the best results and see change. [...]

By |2019-10-21T12:15:54+02:00October 21st, 2019|the great online, things to wrestle with, tricky things|2 Comments

Criticism vs Critique and why we absolutely HAVE to ask the questions.

A lot of people seem to confuse the words 'Critique' and 'Criticism' and i thought it would be helpful to try to set the record straight. Certainly in light of the rise of #ImStaying with all of its positive vibes but hesitation to dive into deep conversations.  Where any kind of questioning of this brings censoring, ridicule or ejection from the group. Anyone who has tried to ask meaningful questions about some of the [...]

Why i joined Conversations for a Just South Africa

There is a new group on Facebook that i am a part of called Conversations for a Just South Africa.  At the moment there are around 1500 people in the group and climbing every day. Which may not seem super exciting to many people when a group like #ImStaying arrived on the scene just a couple of weeks ago and is on the way to 500 000 people. Conversations is not a group that [...]

the question of Virtue Signalling

There has been a lot of talk in recent times about Virtue Signalling. What is it, you may ask? Well here are two definitions i found online: To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else. [Urban Dictionary: by Verboy] an attempt to show other people that you are a good person, for example by expressing opinions that will be acceptable to them, especially on social media: Virtue signalling is the popular [...]

By |2019-10-01T16:59:43+02:00October 1st, 2019|activities, the great online, things to wrestle with|3 Comments

Blessed are the rich

Blessed are the rich... for they shall be spared sermons!  Rene August [preaching at St Johns Anglican church yesterday] didn't quite say those words, but she might as well have. And they feel largely true. One thing Rene did say was this: 'The church has so many programs to help alleviate poverty. The church has no programs to help people alleviate greed.' [which i think was a quote of Bishop Zac Niringiye] Two other [...]

Who will wail and sob for Uyinene Mrwetyana? And who will act?

Her name is Uyinene Mrwetyana. Or is it was? Already? Has it changed from an 'is' to a 'was' in just the few hours since they found her beaten and broken body? i didn't know her except for the missing posters all over social media and it didn't take long for that deep-knotted feeling in my gut to emerge. It feels like it's too late. We would have heard something by now. But you [...]

The Simplest of Extremes

Why does it seem to be such a fine line between the extremes of what brings me great joy or incredible anger? The Art of Traffic'ing Take traffic for example. You want to bring me deep joy? Offer me a space in front of you when i am trying to make my way into a busy road. Or even just wave a thank you or flash your lights at me when i have made [...]

Breaking through the defences

Can i be both challenging and kind? The Social Medias can be a difficult space. Especially if you are someone trying to make the world a better place. As someone who has made a #NotOnOurWatch commitment to life - to interrupt racism and sexism and other forms of injustice when they appear in front of me - it can quickly and easily get a little fighty - especially when a challenge to someone's behaviour [...]

Trying to figure out race vibes on the internet [or off it?]

The internet can be a confusing and scary place to try and figure out race vibes [or parenting/immigration/religion/sexuality and so on...] - if you're brave then check out 'Ozzy Man reviews Arguing on the Internet' because it is harsh but funny and sadly not too far from the truth. Trying to figure out race vibes offline can also be counterproductive if the people around you are more echo chamber than collaborative sounding board, which [...]

#40TipsForChristFollowers: Tip #16-20

#16 Stop putting people on pedestals. The reason i prefer to call myself a Jesus follower than a christian is because it reminds me that i need to be following Jesus. [the title really doesn't matter, but how we live our lives completely does!] i have been inspired by many other Christ followers [with Keith Green and his story in the book 'No Compromise' one of the most influential, but more recently people like [...]

By |2019-04-19T10:55:34+02:00April 12th, 2019|40 Tips, church, God stuff, things to wrestle with|0 Comments
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