thorts of other people

Quotes of Liberation: a little Steve Biko to chew on…

Are you ready for some Quotes for Liberation? i am busy reading the Voices of Liberation book on Steve Biko by Derek Hook.  And i am LOVING it! i have always been a huge fan of 'How can man die better?' by Benjamin Pogrund, which tells the story of Robert Sobukwe. And while i am aware to some extent of how important Steve Biko is in the story of South Africa, i really struggled [...]

A huge list of Ideas for Children to help you survive slash thrive these corona virus times

Ideas for children probably get exhausted quickly during these corona virus times we are all facing!  Corona virus times are trying times for us all. But having watched a video of a child completely covered in margarine and a video of another child absolutely covered in white paint having spread it through the house, i am guessing this might be trickier for parents. i have already written a blog post looking at five things [...]

By |2021-06-03T15:13:12+02:00March 23rd, 2020|family, inspire-ations, thorts of other people|0 Comments

Five helpful Facebook Tips people would love for you to know…

Why would anyone need Facebook Tips you may ask? Isn't social media just the easiest thing to use? Well, yes and no. Technically it is as simple as pointing and clicking, but there are ways we can use it which encourage and invite conversation and happy faces. There are also things we can do - or not do - which can close down engagement or make people mad or sad or bad or combos [...]

By |2019-11-08T11:50:49+02:00November 8th, 2019|activities, the great online, thorts of other people|1 Comment

Demonic art or demonic heART?

Art has caused a big stir this week. The question we need to perhaps ask is: Demonic art or Demonic Heart? when it comes to a Grantleigh Curro school matric pupil's art display... In the light of Artgate, i thought it might be helpful to collate a number of the posts i have shared about this, mostly from friends of mine, to hopefully help us think about the whole thing a little more clearly: [...]

Why i joined Conversations for a Just South Africa

There is a new group on Facebook that i am a part of called Conversations for a Just South Africa.  At the moment there are around 1500 people in the group and climbing every day. Which may not seem super exciting to many people when a group like #ImStaying arrived on the scene just a couple of weeks ago and is on the way to 500 000 people. Conversations is not a group that [...]

Blessed are the rich

Blessed are the rich... for they shall be spared sermons!  Rene August [preaching at St Johns Anglican church yesterday] didn't quite say those words, but she might as well have. And they feel largely true. One thing Rene did say was this: 'The church has so many programs to help alleviate poverty. The church has no programs to help people alleviate greed.' [which i think was a quote of Bishop Zac Niringiye] Two other [...]

A few MORE good [South] African books… for children

What [South] African stories are your children reading?A while back i compiled a list of super amazing books for young children from suggestions made by a lot of my friends, with a specific focus on South African and African stories. While it may not be imperative that your children ONLY read books from this country and continent, i think you are definitely missing out if they are not reading any. And there are some REALLY [...]

Lifehack #73: Fill up with petrol at the same place

When last did you tip the petrol attendant well? i was hanging out with my mate Wayne yesterday [lots of great stories begin with that very line!] and we got to talking. He told me about something a mutual friend of ours [the incredible Linda Martindale] had told him a while back... "Always fill your car at the same petrol station. Preferably with the same person. And tip them well." The most valuable tip [...]

Some reading for men who are looking to up their game

Jess Hill's Mission to understand Abusive Men What's Rape Anxiety? This woman explained it to her favourite men and they were shocked. Relax Ladies. Don't be so Uptight. You know you want it. How to be a Woman in the 21st Century Twitter trending Hashtag 'Men are Trash' proof that men centre themselves on feminist issues. Eusebius McKaiser wrote a piece titled 'The Chain between Words and Violence' 'Why we're not working today' by [...]

The Discipline of Parenting

Giving Discipline to children well must be one of the hardest aspects of parenting.  i took to Facebook to ask some of my friends who are parents to share some of their ideas/process/stories/thinking: i imagine that discipline must be one of the hardest things to get right for a lot of parents. How do you discipline your kids [maybe add in age of kids cos that changes things] in ways that you have found [...]

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