
Pastis before Swine…

so yesterday i got to meet Stephan Pastis, creator and draw'er [i guess] of the greatest cartoon strip alive, Pearls Before Swine... [more importantly, he got to 'meet' No_bob, the world's most famous stuffed dolphin] The Far Side, on it's good days [and when it was good it was great, and it was usually good] is definitely up there. so is Dilbert [Scott Adams who draws Dilbert got me started on Pearls Before Swine and [...]

By |2013-04-22T14:00:06+02:00April 22nd, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

the illegal car dealership i run.

well, not really, but i think the permanent ADT guard who lives in a little wooden hut across from my buddy Dunc's house where i stay may be suspecting that's what i do... purely for the number of different cars of all shapes and sizes that he has seen me drive into 2 Smithers Road over the last two months... i am always friendly and i always wave at him [or hims, because i think [...]

a kiss before dying

my cousin Laura died two days ago. she was 30. recently married. then cancer reared its ugly head. absolute tragedy. just before she went into hospital i did get to send her an email and let her know that i loved her and was praying for her and her family and hoping for a miracle from God [which sadly never happened, not how i was hoping anyways] so it was really sad, but there was [...]

with friends like these, who needs enemas?

okay, so that title doesn't apply AT ALL here, in fact it the opposite of applies, but it was likely to draw a lot more readers than 'i like my friends' and look, there you are so hi! arrived back home after a good 32 hours or so of travelling [if you exclude the New Jersey/New York trip we took with airforce Jon to get to the airport] from JFK to Dubai for eight hour [...]

By |2013-01-02T03:35:26+02:00January 2nd, 2013|activities, friends and enemas, life|0 Comments

thank you. [and you and you!]

so as tbV and i are nearing the end of our time here at the Simple Way in Philadelphia, Americaland, we have had to focus a lot on looking forwards at the exciting times and opportunities that lie ahead, but i also want to be mindful of taking some time to look back - there is a lot to be grateful for... there is a saying that 'God owns the cattle on a thousand hills' [...]

the games we play: part intro

my family and friends have always played a lot of games [except for my dad, he hates games with a passion, his favourite is sitting in the lounge reading his newspaper while the rest of the family plays trivial pursuit and shouting out all the answers, but that's about the closest he gets] but my mom and my sisters love games, and the large majority of friends in my and now our friend ship circles [...]

Taboo Topics: Adoption – meet Jane and Mike

My husband mike and I decided to start a family at the beginning of last year and so I went off contraception and we started trying. We assumed it would be quick and easy, because we have only heard stories of people falling pregnant quickly – even in the first or second month, and with no complications. And so the first month or two we weren’t worried, we enjoyed the excitement of getting ready to [...]

psalmthing to chew on: psalm 1

my good buddy rob lloyd just got me a new bible because my old one was literally falling apart and i like the idea of starting again in a sense - rediscovering old favourite passages, underlining new ones, breaking the bible in so to speak... and as i sat and thought where to begin i decided to start with the psalms, and i don't know that i will necessarily read one per day but i [...]

By |2012-02-18T10:04:13+02:00February 18th, 2012|activities, God stuff, psalms, what i am reading|7 Comments

Live to the full.

Yes, I said 'Live' not 'life' cos 'Live' is a verb. and cos it's me. my friend and former wedding photographer Bex Meissner sent me this link to a great article on the top five regrets people have before they die and it is well worth reading the whole article, but just to whet your appetite the top five regrets people mentioned are: 1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true [...]

new year's evolutions to consider part i [the right people]

so yesterday i posted about new year's evolutions - with the idea of moving beyond a dream list of 'i wish this for next year' to some specific steps and actions to put into place to help you transform yourself into a better person in 2012. and my first evolution suggestion is this: HANG OUT WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE different people have different capacity for friendship and so everyone i imagine has different levels or [...]

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