heroes or heroic moments

My new heart tattoo.

Okay, so i don't have a heart tattoo. Or any tattoo. And time is running out for me to get my first one before i leave Americaland [have the money, don't have the right design!] But i just started reading the book, 'Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion' by Father Gregory Boyle [who i heard speak at CCDA last year in a deeply moving session] and already it is breaking me up [...]

The Character Equation – part Speaking the Silence

  As i have been looking at some aspects of a person's life that i see as defining them as being a person of good character, the last two posts i did focused on Living out the Words you Speak and Speaking out the Words you Live. I see both of those as powerful indicators of the character you have as a person and both areas that are good to focus on or invite the accountability of [...]

By |2014-05-22T08:29:13+02:00May 22nd, 2014|heroes or heroic moments, inspire-ations|0 Comments

Be the Significance

a short while ago i stumbled on to this link about these 2 college students who snuck into an empty classroom and then did some incredibly creative stuff. i can only imagine the effect it would have had on the students. the anticipation that it would have built up in the whole school of which class is going to be next, what saying is going to appear, how is it going to look and all [...]

New [to me] songs that are rocking my world…

music played such a huge role in my visit back to South Africa that we have just returned from. the first was a gift within a gift. we were given the use of a car by two people [only one of whom i actually knew before the trip and hadn't been in contact with for about 15 years til a week before i posted a 'looking for a car' ad on Facebook] who decided that [...]

Parking, and Re-creation.

his name is Mark. youngish guy, i'd say mid twenties and kinda looked a little bit like Mark Brendanawicz. but i don't think it was him. [i mean it could have been him cos Mark has been out of the show for a season or two although i don't think his name is actually 'Mark' in real life so he might have used that name. it's not, Uncle Google says it's 'Paul Schneider'] but he [...]

her life as a ‘plus-size’ model.

my friend Megan Donald linked me to this article on the 'book and i really enjoyed it and felt like it was a message that needed to get more out there and so i emailed Jennie and also BBC newsonline to see if i could get permission to use it and received the confirmation this morning, so here reproduced is the story as shared by: Jennie Runk: My life as a 'plus-size' model When H&M [...]

Taboo Topics: Sex in Marriage [Intro]

Wow! So this one should get people clicking on it. It may seem like a bit of an unusual topic to list under 'Taboo Topics' which after all was a series designed with the aim of talking about some of the issues that are very prevalent in the world, but that the church [and often even the outside-of-the-church world] rarely speaks about, or into. But think about it for a second. Preaching about sex in [...]

Recap: Most read posts from the last quarter.

so according to wordpress stats, these are the 5 most visited posts of mine this last quarter which means people must have liked them [or really hated them i guess, altho i don't think i've had one of those for a while - must be doing something wrong] so i thought i'd display them here in case you missed one or more of them: First up there was Kate Hurley sharing on Singleness which always [...]

a long walk to free some [maybe me?]

last nite i was invited by some new friends we've made here to join the Oakland City Watch team in a walk they do around the neighborhood [we live on 61st Ave and we walked around the streets closer to 90th so not crazy far away] that has three messages for the people of the community: # We care! # We want to see an end to violence, especially gun violence! # How can we [...]

a letter, from Magda Pecsenye, to her sons about stopping rape.

'Dear Boys, Some really horrible things happened to someone who could be one of your friends, and it was done by some people who could be your friends. You're 11 and almost-8 now, so the incident that made me write this letter isn't something you've heard about, but this stuff keeps happening, unfortunately. So I need to talk to you about it...' with that attention-grabbing opening paragraph, Magda Pecsenye, who is the writer for the [...]

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