
What Jessica Jones Season II trailer said to me

Jessica Jones is returning to Netflix and i couldn't be more stoked. One of the latest in a series of Marvel comic crossovers, Jessica Jones was most recently seen alongside Luke Cage, Daredevil and Iron Fist as part of the Defenders team trying desperately to save New York. It is a very dark series and one of the main reasons i stayed with it was probably because David Tennant [my all-time favourite portrayer of [...]

Oh man, we got a problem

We've been having some conversations online about what it means to be a real man, and how to treat women better. And while the choir is cheering us on, it is quite obvious that there is still a whole lot of work to be done. i am hoping that those who struggle with the race conversations will have a light come on when it comes to these conversations, because in some ways they are the [...]

Yesallmen should really pay attention to #YesAllWomen

There's a new hashtag in town.  Followed by a yawn right? Cos who cares about hashtags? Aren't they just like 'groups' on Facebook? What is a group on Facebook? Someone starts a group based on some topic they feel passionate about such as interesting shapes of clouds, bonsai tree gardening or stuffed animals - you get an invite, you join the group and... NOTHING ELSE EVER HAPPENS. I dunno, maybe you're in better groups than [...]

on why rape [and violence to women in general] HAS to be taken seriously, part 3: conversation with Claudine

[this is where this series started if you are needing to catchup to part i] so part two of this focus on rape/violence towards women related to this interaction i had with a certain hashtag on the Twitter: 'it revolved around the hash tag #SafetyTipsForLadies which someone that i followed tweeted and so i went to the link and read a bunch of them and was horrified by the way they seemed to be dealing [...]

on why rape [and violence to women in general] HAS to be taken seriously, part 2: Twitter

then, in case that was not enough, i got involved in my first 'fight' on the Twitter... [i know, too many people surprised it took me this long, it is possible i just forgot any others that occurred] it revolved around the hash tag #SafetyTipsForLadies which someone that i followed tweeted and so i went to the link and read a bunch of them and was horrified by the way they seemed to be dealing [...]

on why rape [and violence to women in general] HAS to be taken seriously, part 1: attack on my wife

my wife was attacked in the street yesterday. fortunately not physically and thank God there were two Latino guys in a car nearby that she was eventually able to get to come to her assistance but even then they didn't really know what to do and the [can only assume he was completely drugged up] guy continued to threaten. many, many thoughts on this and the closest to the foreground is complete and utter thankfulness [...]

a letter, from Magda Pecsenye, to her sons about stopping rape.

'Dear Boys, Some really horrible things happened to someone who could be one of your friends, and it was done by some people who could be your friends. You're 11 and almost-8 now, so the incident that made me write this letter isn't something you've heard about, but this stuff keeps happening, unfortunately. So I need to talk to you about it...' with that attention-grabbing opening paragraph, Magda Pecsenye, who is the writer for the [...]

Positive celebrating life story post 1: left-handed pianist Nicholas McCarthy

in the midst of all the recent focus on murder and rape and negativity that has been jamming up the media and our minds and social networks, i figured it was time to seek out some inspirational life-giving stories of positivity and hope - what a gem to begin with: Just 23 years old, Nicholas McCarthy also appeared at the 2012 Paralympics 'although McCarthy’s moment of fame came as a musical performer when he played [...]

By |2013-02-21T05:07:27+02:00February 21st, 2013|inspire-ations|1 Comment

when humour crosses the line it's not a joke…

Bloomberg Businessweek is one of the publications that carries the story of comedian Gilbert Gottfriend [probly don't recognise the name but if you're old you would probly recognise him from the 'The Problem Child' movies with John Ritter as well as being the voice of Iago from the Aladdin movies] who was fired this week after Tweeting inappropriate jokes about the Japanese crisis... 'March 14 (Bloomberg) -- Aflac Inc., the biggest seller of supplemental insurance, [...]

it is unacceptible to use the term ‘raped’ to describe a game, exam…

in the last decade, in south africa anyways, but i assume further afield as well, there has been a tendency to slangify negative words and so words like 'sick' and 'wicked' which used to have negative connotations have now been made cool (is 'cool' still cool?) words for the in-crowd which is perhaps a desensitization of another kind to be looked at another time... but recently, on two separate occasions, i heard the latest word [...]

By |2010-11-09T07:42:29+02:00November 9th, 2010|and other animals.|14 Comments
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