Taboo Topics is a series dedicated to sharing stories from real live people [mostly who i know] on real life issues, situations or experiences that are seldom spoken about for various reasons. So far the topics that have been addressed [with links to all the stories] are the following:
Dealing with the Grief of losing Someone you Love
Living with Disabilities/Special Needs
Marriage [when it’s not been easy]
Parents of Young Children [where it hasn’t all been easy and fun and struggle free]
I hope these will be of encouragement to you and to friends and family who you know who have been through similar things – please feel free to share the stories or send links to people who you think might appreciate them.
love brett “fish” []
Lies about Sex: Part II – The Myth of the Magical Wedding Night
Perhaps the most often-encountered lie I heard about sex from youth pastors, conference speakers, inspirational books, and the impassioned speeches of parents was the idea that if you wait until you are married to have [...]
Lies about Sex: Part I – Physical Contact and Boundaries
The first myth I pointed out in my Relevant article was this idea that “Any and all physical contact is a like a gateway drug to sex.” Growing up, I frequently heard metaphors like, “Don’t [...]
Sex and things of a sexual nature.
So i now have a few great things written about this topic and was struggling to find the best place to put them so i thought i would create this space over here: Let's Talk [...]
Taboo Topics: Porn – meet Bek Curtis
This is a repost of a blog by permission which was originally posted on her blog, 'Perfectly Flawed' - meet Bek Curtis: Lust. Sex. Porn. If those words made you squirm, you may not want to [...]
Taboo Topics: Dealing with the grief of losing someone you love: Meet Kim Overbeck and Tegan
'I've never forgotten him. Dare I say I miss him? I do. I miss him. I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the strangeness [...]
Taboo Topics: Race – The Panel – Questions from you about Race-related things – Q3/Q4
Finishing off this first run of the panel with these last two questions that came in - only two responses at the moment but will add more as they come in... QUESTION 3: [Suzane Hoffman] [...]
Taboo Topics: Race – The Panel – Questions from you about Race-related things – Q2: Being 'over' apartheid?
QUESTION 2: [Graeme Broster] I don't believe we can even begin to discuss issues of race, reconciliation etc before we begin to discuss and answer the issue of identity. Not sure if it's clear but [...]
Taboo Topics: Race – The Panel – Questions from you about Race-related things – Q2: Being ‘over’ apartheid?
QUESTION 2: [Graeme Broster] I don't believe we can even begin to discuss issues of race, reconciliation etc before we begin to discuss and answer the issue of identity. Not sure if it's clear but [...]
Whose Taboo Topic is it anyway?
My favourite space on my blog is probably the Taboo Topics section where we look at topics rarely spoken about such as losing a baby or infertility, singleness or being a parent of young children when [...]
Taboo Topics: Adoption – Meet Mariska de Beer
Well, as a first time blogger I’m not really sure where to start and what to write. I cannot say that I am really good with words, but this I know….I do not want to [...]
Taboo Topics: Race – Meet The Panel
I am very excited to introduce this Panel of Race Experts... and by 'Race Experts' i mean friends of mine who happen to be from a variety of different race group backgrounds and are not [...]
Taboo Topics: Race – Identity: What makes me me? Meet Caley Daniels
What a shock some of you reading this will get when you discover that my dad, yes, my biological father, is coloured. “But you look so white!” many have noted. Well done. It is true [...]